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Image: 150 Bucket List Ideas + Printables to Help You Live Your Best Life

If you've spent any time on Pinterest, you’ve probably seen some popular bucket lists ranging from summer activities to halloween movies.

While it can be fun to make bucket lists for little things, they’re also a great way to map out your major priorities in life.

Image: 150 Bucket List Ideas + Printables to Help You Live Your Best Life

Take some time to create your own, and you'll learn a lot about your priorities!

Instead of thinking of a bucket list as a traditional to-do list, think of it more as a wishlist for your life.

What do you have to do or experience before you die?

Image: 150 Bucket List Ideas + Printables to Help You Live Your Best Life

If you can't imagine your life without doing something, it should probably go on your bucket list.

Some categories to think about are traveling, getting healthy, leveling up in your career, and hitting your financial goals.

But don't stop there — the sky’s the limit.

Image: 150 Bucket List Ideas + Printables to Help You Live Your Best Life

Need some inspiration to get you started?

These printable bucket lists will give you 150 ideas as a starting point — or download the blank one and customize it to your own unique goals.

Happy bucket listing!

Image: 150 Bucket List Ideas + Printables to Help You Live Your Best Life

Download All Six Bucket Lists
Image: Person Holding Coins, by RawPixel.com on Pexels

Did you know 27% of Americans don't think they need a budget?

According to a recent survey, this is the reason the majority of people gave for why they don’t budget.

However, budgeting is incredibly important in order to stay debt-free and save for the things that matter most.

There’s no one-size-fits-all budgeting plan which will work for every family, because every family has different financial needs.

But with the right tools, anyone can successfully keep to a budget month after month.

Below are five helpful (and free!) printables in a variety of fun colors you can use to get your savings started today!

Perform a Financial Checkup

Image: Perform a Financial Checkup

Track Expenses as You Go

Image: Track Expenses as You Go

Get Creative

Image: Get Creative

Stick to Cash

Image: Stick to Cash

Download All Five Printables

Image: Supermarket Sales, by Kamalakannan PM on Pixabay

Nowadays, it's vital we are conscious of the products we use and the lifestyle choices we make in terms of how it affects the environment.

Unfortunately, many have the misconception that using green products and making eco-friendly swaps means less money in their wallets, however, this is not always the case.

There are various ways in which you can live a more environmentally sound life, while saving money.

Credit.com outlined budget-friendly ways to go green in the below visual.

From replacing single-use, plastical personal care items to buying in bulk to unplugging devices when they're not in use, check out all the ways you can save money and our planet simultaneously.

Image: Budget-Friendly Starter Guide to Going Green

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