Kindle Book Freebies - September 14/12
Ghost of Summer
by Sally Berneathy
Rating: 5.0 (5 reviews)
-- A magical story of love.
When Kate Fallon tells her father she's going to be married, he insists she discuss it with her mother. Kate's mother died when she was two. Kate is immediately concerned about her father's welfare. She adores him, he's her whole world AND the sheriff of Briar Creek County. If he's seeing Mama's ghost, will he also see the ghost of Billy the Kid or Jessie James...and try to arrest or even shoot them?
When Kate goes to Briar Creek, she is shocked to find Luke Rodgers, her best friend when they were children, has returned to town and is her father's new deputy. Luke left town when she was eleven. The pain of losing first her mother and then her best friend set Kate on a path to avoid further involvement. Her planned marriage is a sensible, mutually beneficial agreement, but her heart isn't involved. Luke reaches her heart, and that terrifies her. She tries to stay away from him, but circumstances continue to throw them together.
If one is to believe her father, Mama is responsible for much of this. It's Mama who suggests they invite Luke for dinner, insisting they use her good china, Mama who prompts Papa with answers to Kate's questions about what to cook for the dinner, Mama who seems to know which dishes are Luke's favorites.
Can Mama help Kate and Luke recapture the wonder and magic of their childhood love, the ghost of their summers past and the promise of all the summers to come?
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Ghost of Summer
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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

by Millenia Black
Rating: 4.1 (26 reviews)
-- How deeply can the past be buried?
By all appearances, the Cavanaughs of West Palm have an ideal marriage and family life - the perfect home with few complications.
But castles built on sand are eventually washed away by the sea.
Leslie Cavanaugh – she’s not the woman she claims to be. Once Leslie Phillips, she's hiding a painful secret that's about to shake her family to its core.
Luke Cavanaugh – Leslie’s second husband, but he looks eerily like her first. An award-winning architect, Luke’s got designs on getting to the bottom of his wife’s more ways than one.
Kathryn Cavanaugh – Luke and Leslie’s only daughter. In competition for her mother’s affection, Katie risks much more than the family’s good name with exploits of all the wrong places...
Dawn Chadwick – Leslie’s b̶̶e̶̶s̶̶t̶ only friend and sister in widowhood. What would Leslie have done without Dawn all these years? And what would Luke?
Grace Cunningham – abandoned at birth...and she's pissed about it. What makes a mother abandon her child, not once, but twice in a lifetime?
Meanwhile, a mysterious couple secretly rendezvous in a Palm Beach bungalow...
In this steamy saga of lost love, marriage and motherhood, hidden secrets and shocking truths collide as Leslie Cavanaugh’s past rocks the present in the most intimate betrayal of all.
THE GREAT BETRAYAL will keep you up all night.
Length: 340 pages
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The Great Betrayal
Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here. Have you checked out the all-new Kindle Fire HD yet?
NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

(The Nephilim Warrior Series)
by K.A. Young
Rating: 4.5 (1 review)
-- Anna Wilkins is prototypical 34 year old housewife. She buys groceries, picks up the dry cleaning and host dinner parties.
Everything was picture perfect from the outside looking in until the life she was born to live collided with the life she was living.
Her husband is murdered by a creature from another realm, a creature that is only visible to her. Through her pain, his death awakens a part of her she didn’t know existed. She is then thrust into a life of Vampires, Werewolves and Sexy Nephilim Warriors.
Drawn to her by a bond as old as their race, a Nephilim Warrior named Eli finds Anna at her darkest hour and seeks to arouse what lies dormant within her. The scorching sexual attraction she and the Warrior feel for each other is beyond anything either of them can control. Struggling to find her way; her body betrays her mind as she transitions from human to a supernatural being.
Her greatest challenge will be to determine whether she should trust what she is told that she should be or to rely on her own instincts and allow herself to shape who she will be…
Length: 154 pages
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Prophecy Of The Female Warrior
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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

The How To Guide for Dream Interpretation
by J. Allen, Deni
Rating: 4.6 (10 reviews)
-- The dream book that empowers the dreamer. It is purposely non-denominational to assist the greatest number of people with their dreams.
If you read this book you'll know how to interpret what your dreams are telling you. Illustrative stories are used to show how and why the dreamers came to understand the meaning of their dreams.
You will learn about:
- Waking dreams
- Day dreams
- Dream symbology
- Dream recall and enhancement
- Past life influences
- Lucid dreaming
- Soul journeys
- And more!
Every night our dreams are pouring into us information designed to help us move forward in every area of our lives. Even the smallest details pertaining to relationships, health, finances, and of course spirituality, are given to us. With the information in this book you'll be able to harvest the true meanings put forth in the dream messages that illuminate your nightly dreams.
If you are able to catch the true meanings of your dreams and take action upon their instruction, you'll benefit in a thousand ways. Over time the adjustments you make will add up to big steps forward into a life consciously created by you with the full backing of Spirit.
Bonus in Book: You'll get access to free Dream Journal pages to download and help you begin recording and deciphering dreams.
Get the book now and let the dreamer awaken!
Length: 87 pages
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Soul Journeys
Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here. Have you checked out the all-new Kindle Fire HD yet?
NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

by Terry Lewandowski
Rating: 5.0 (1 review)
-- Designed for poker enthusiasts with the basic understanding of poker, this book delivers on it's title and explains exactly 101 different poker games from around the world. This is the perfect poker reference book to have for those who play monthly games and want to try something different.
The book is categorized into several key sections:
Poker Basics - a very brief overview for those who are still new to poker and need to understand the basics of the game.
House Rules - recommended "house rules" for any poker night, to help avoid any disagreement on who wins.
Poker Hands - the value of each poker hand (spelled out and an image with the ranking), as well as some other card related into.
5-Card Games - this section includes 33 5-card poker games, from the basic 5-Card Stud to an exciting Gagnon Poker.
7-Card Games - with 35 games in the 7-card poker game section, you can be sure that there is more than 7-Card Stud. Try a game of Snatched and have your cards stolen from you, or the always popular Follow the Queen and prepare for high betting rounds.
Community Card Games - will list 20 games where players use some "community cards" to form their hands. The most well know is Texas Hold'em, but have you tried Texas Trim or Survivor? You won't be disappointed.
Two Handed Poker Games - an interesting list of 4 poker games where players use 2 different poker hands.
Other Poker Games - this section rounds off 9 other fun poker games like BINGO and Weeping Willow, which really don't fall into any other category but are just as (if not more) fun to play.
The book also includes two side bet games that players can choose to instill at their poker nights.
Length: 100 pages
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101 Poker Game Variations
Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here. Have you checked out the all-new Kindle Fire HD yet?
NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

by Carole Kulikowski
-- How does a young American girl, who knows nothing about classical music and whose musical role models are rock and roll idols, transform herself into the most famous female opera singer of the Baby Boom generation?
In The Summer of the Rosenkavalier, follow the career of Anna Trent, from her choir singing, garage band days in 1960’s Kansas to the present day opera stages of Europe.
It is a summer of crisis for Anna. Besides performance anxiety, she has much to fear and worry about – her fiftieth birthday, aging, health problems - real and imaginary, the loss of her desirability (imaginary), difficult colleagues (real), a neglected daughter, a devious au pair and the two men in her life – her philandering Svengali like English conductor husband and a younger American conductor – her lover and her first extramarital affair.
The novel follows the humorous escapades of the Trent entourage during the summer months, as opera fans turn themselves into modern pilgrims and worship at their favorite shrines, the European music festivals, where Anna performs.
Throughout her career Anna has learned from the characters she has portrayed, models of either how to behave, or more likely, how not to behave. This summer, she will have lessons to learn from them.
Length: 190 pages
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The Summer of the Rosenkavalier
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