Kindle Book Freebies - August 21/12
Why Quantum Physicists Don't Get Fat
by Gregory Kuhn
-- Finally say goodbye to unwanted weight!
1. Have you tried to lose weight only to wind up
gaining it all back (and more)?
2. Have you repeatedly dieted and been unsuccessful at losing your unwanted weight?
3. Are you tired of trying to hide your weight gains from family and friends because weight loss plans just don’t seem to work for you?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, you’re no different than millions of Americans; you’ve been frustrated by your seeming inability to lose your unwanted weight. It might surprise you, though, to learn that the specific diets you’ve tried aren’t the problem. Would it surprise you further to learn that YOU definitely aren’t the problem either?
The problem is not the weight loss plans and neither is it you. The problem is the science! The diets you’ve tried have failed you because they are based on old, outdated science. Science that has, in fact, been replaced, right under your nose, by an amazingly accurate and incredibly reliable one called quantum physics.
Why Quantum Physicists Don’t Get Fat will teach you, in simple, everyday language, to unlock the awesome power of quantum physics to inject any weight loss plan with nitroboosting rocket fuel. You’ll quickly find that the great-feeling, slender body you’ve dreamed of is just around the corner!
Length: 86 pages
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Why Quantum Physicists Don't Get Fat
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(An urban fantasy / paranormal romance)
by Scott Nicholson
-- For fans of magic, romance, and fantasy.
Five days until Halloween and all hell is about to break loose.
And it’s all Crystal’s fault.
Momma warned her not to consort with the dead and tried to teach her the magic spells that would close the portal to the afterlife. But Crystal doesn’t want to be a trailer-trash witch like Momma. She has dreams of going to community college and escaping the Appalachian town of Parson’s Ford.
Her best friend Bone is only too happy to escape the afterlife and help Crystal break the rules. Bone died too young, and she’ll do whatever it takes to remain among the living.
Then a teen movie maker comes to Parson’s Ford, and he has a very special project in mind: a horror movie starring a real ghost. The kids who watch his movies turn into brainwashed zombies. And to totally complicate matters, Crystal thinks he’s kind of a hunk, and she’s afraid her boyfriend Pettigrew only loves her because of Momma’s magic spells.
Now it’s Halloween, the night when the portal to the afterlife is widest, and somebody’s been messing with Momma’s potions. The fate of the world is in Crystal’s hands, but she hasn’t been paying attention to her lessons. And a mysterious figure in the afterlife is urging Bone to stay loyal to her own kind instead of to Crystal.
The movie is rolling, the creatures are stirring, and the brainwashed teenagers are ready to welcome a new star from the other side of the grave.
Crystal and Bone must overcome drama queens, coffin cuties, and mangled magic if they want to remain best friends forever—but at this rate, forever may not last much longer.
Length: 204 pages
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October Girls
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(Memoirs of Marlayna Glynn Brown)
by Marlayna Glynn Brown
-- City of Angeles is the second book in the trilogy Memoirs of Marlayna Glynn Brown.
Continuing her remarkable journey in staccato prose, author Marlayna Glynn Brown reveals the underside of a life lived in 1980s Los Angeles, picking up from the moment in which Overlay ends.
This searingly written, often bizarre story of her teens and twenties reveals the author's flight from glitzy Las Vegas to the formidable world of self re-invention among the angels and demons populating 1980s Los Angeles.
The author unflinchingly begets a self from the unlikeliest beginnings, and now delivers a sequel illustrating both heaven and hell on her continuing flight for self discovery.
Length: 292 pages
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City of Angeles
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