Free Kindle Books and Daily Deals - 5/29/12 (ALL)
Kindle Daily Deal: The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating
-- At age 34, Bailey was stricken with a mysterious virus while on a trip to Europe. Her healthy life had been full of activity, and now just the thought of getting up to get something was exhaustive.
When a friend found some violets and brought her one in a pot, she also added a live snail below the violet’s leaves. Bailey wondered why she needed a snail, but after square holes began to appear in a letter propped on the violet’s pot, it occurred to Bailey that the snail needed food.
She put a withered flower in the saucer below, and when the snail began to eat, Bailey realized that she could hear it eating—it was the sound of someone very small munching on celery. Soon the author realized she was attached, the snail providing an oasis of calm for her frantic and frustrated thoughts. She worried that the snail’s world was too artificial, so her caregiver created a woodland terrarium.
Not only did the snail have a new home but Bailey had a new game: hide-and-seek with a snail. She began to read about snails, learning from scientists, early naturalists, poets, and writers, and found herself beginning to understand a snail’s world. And when her snail began to lay eggs, Bailey discovered that she might be the first person to record observations of a snail tending its eggs.
Length: 201 pages
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Classic Children's Books We Love

-- In Vaccine Nation Dani North is documentary filmmaker and an advocate for parents who want the choice of whether their children should be vaccinated and who want more information made available about the safety of those vaccines.
Dani has just landed on top of the story of the year, only she doesn't know it, what she does know is moments after handing off a mysterious flash drive to her the scientist who placed it in her hands is killed right in front of her.
Before she even has time to consider what might be on the flash drive an attempt is made on her life and she's on the run from a killer who will stop at nothing to retrieve the data Dani now possesses.
The facts in Vaccine Nation are accurate: the 1986 Congressional grant of immunity to the pharmaceutical industry for liability related to their vaccines for the National Immunization Program, the toxicity of certain ingredients of vaccines, the controversy surrounding the safety and side effects of vaccines, vaccines’ suspected relationship to the autism epidemic, and the recent (2011) Supreme Court decision that absolved vaccine makers from product liability for defective vaccine products.
Length: 297 pages
Try for free - sample the beginning of this book for free
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-- This is Volume 4 of the Top Rated Puzzlebook: Puzzle Quizzes series. In this brand-new puzzle collection you will find 103 pictorial, hand-crafted puzzle quizzes in different themes: visual, spatial, counting, geometry, matchstick, coins, searching, and much more.
Over 500 000 downloads for the Puzzlebook series! Discover why thousands of Kindle users are addicted to Puzzlebooks.
All puzzle quizzes are original creations by the Grabarchuk Family and delivered exclusively for Kindle.
You can interactively answer and check a puzzle quiz by clicking the respective answer button. Only the correct answer leads to the solution page.
The collection is specially created for all kinds of solvers - beginners, skillful, and expert alike. The puzzles are arranged so that you start with the easy (*) puzzles and progress to the hard (*****) puzzles.
Length: 111 pages (estimated)
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10 Classic Cookbooks to Treasure

(Sunset Vampire Series, Book 1)
-- My name is Katrina Rawlings, and I am a vampire. I declare that with neither pride nor ego. I am simply nature’s most dangerous predator.
On occasion, it’s a very valuable quality. It helped me protect Caleb Taylor one day when he was very young. But that single, traumatic day is behind him now; wiped from his memory, or so I hope.
Caleb has finally matured into a rather striking young man, and believe me, I like what I see. I’ll readily admit that there are issues for us to confront and overcome, though a sense of mutual commitment isn’t one of them.
I’m feeling hopeful for our future together, in fact. But an adversary from my past has returned to haunt me, and she’s trying to get back at me through Caleb.
That was her first...and last...mistake. I’ll protect my Caleb at all costs, and I’ll make her regret the day she was born.
So, I suppose that I’m not just a vampire. I’m about to become someone’s worst nightmare!
Length: 430 pages
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Must-Read Books Made into Movies in 2012

Prepare easy-to-make meals--without nuts, milk, wheat, eggs, fish or soy
-- Food allergies in the United States are growing at an alarming rate and, unfortunately, children are often afflicted with more than one allergy.
For the families, preparing a meal can be unnerving.
This cookbook takes the guesswork out of shopping and cooking delicious meals everyone will enjoy.
Each recipe is labeled to indicate which allergies are safe so readers can mix and match according to their family’s needs.
Packed with tips and tools for reading labels and purchasing ingredients, the entire family can finally eat great tasting foods without the danger of an allergic reaction.
Length: 304 pages
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- This was posted by Catherine on May 29, 2012 -
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