Free Kindle Books & Daily Deals - 4/30/12
Kindle Daily Deal: After Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
-- Savannah owes Jim Williams an enormous debt of gratitude for his remarkable restoration of historic houses.
A brilliant and intensely interesting, charismatic figure, he brought a style and sophistication to the city that it did not have before.
Rich and famous people, like Jacqueline Onassis and Rockefellers, made special trips to bargain for his extraordinary antique treasures. However, he was also a smooth predator, whose crimes could have put him behind bars long before he shot his lover.
The wonderful world of Jim Williams came crashing down on him one night after he killed Danny Hansford. Williams stood trial four times for premeditated murder. Between the passionate and dedicated prosecution and the best defense lawyers money could buy, precisely what happened that night is still a mystery.
The prosecution’s documents, never published before, reveal its highly effective strategies and the intrigue that caused the Georgia Supreme Court to overturn two convictions.
Length: 86 pages (estimated)
NOTE: Try for free - sample the beginning of this book for free
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-- I wanted to create a fast, simple recipe book that showed how to not only cook healthy recipes, but yummy ones too. I must've bought 100 "healthy" recipe books over the years and none of them REALLY had that many good recipes that focused on tasting yummy. That's when it hit me!
This Low-Fat Dessert recipe book took me about 3 months to put together and it has some of favorite recipes that my husband was lucky enough to have to sample over and over again. Lucky guy!
Length: 107 pages (estimated)
NOTE: Try for free - sample the beginning of this book for free
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How to be Happier, Healthier and Imperfectly Fit
-- Atypical fitness guru Michelle Pearl has a message for all those who have suffered with ongoing weight problems:
“You are not weak, losing weight has nothing to do with willpower, and you really can be happier, healthier and imperfectly fit."
The foreword for the second edition of this well-received book was written by Kai Hibbard, the 3rd season runner-up contestant on NBC's The Biggest Loser.
Length: 199 pages
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-- Pulled is a love story of Twin Flames connecting.
When college freshman, Naya walks into her first acting class two years after the freakish death of her parents, she becomes consumed by a mysterious pull coming from a facially scarred classmate named Etash.
When he is cast as the Romeo to her Juliet, sparks fly.
These star crossed lovers discover that fate has other plans for them.
This is not the first time they have been 'pulled' together, nor will it be their last.
Length: 230 pages
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Kicker, the bouncing ball, takes the reader on a counting adventure - in English and Spanish.
This book is perfect for the beginner reader!
New and revised version includes information for parents and teachers to help children recognize Sight Words and Rhyming Pairs.
Length: 42 pages
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- This was posted by Catherine on April 30, 2012 -
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