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NOTE - If any of the above links are not working or the freebies or coupons no longer available, please post a blog comment below and I'll edit it!

Sign up below on December 14/2011 (only) for your chance to win two Emergen-C Super Energy Boosters.
This is a good time of year to try out a sample of Emergen-C. You will get a sample of the raspberry and the tangarine flavor - to keep you going thru the flu season.
Only relevant comments will be accepted. Your Giveaway prize is always free, there is no entry fee or delivery cost.
Who is eligible:
This giveaway is open to US and Canada!
When you post your comment entry, include a valid e-mail address where I can contact you if you win: (write it out like this: email (at) hotmail (dot) com - so the spammers won't get you). You can only win one time within 30 days.
When the giveaway ends:
This giveaway ends tonight - on December 14, 2011 at midnight ET. Winners will be chosen using I will e-mail the winner for their mailing address, and results are always posted here and on our Facebook fan page as well. If the winner doesn't respond within four business days, a new winner will be drawn.
This giveaway is now closed, thanks for playing! We had 11 entries and the winner is kvanilla! Congratulations!
Want to play again?
- This was posted by Catherine on December 14, 2011 -
All freebies are posted without prejudice. I have no political/religious/personal agenda to promote here, and I may not even agree with the message the freebie is promoting. But freebie censorship is not what this site is about. If you don't agree with the message a freebie is promoting, just pass on the freebie. The next one I find might be one you do believe in, and someone else might disagree.
Click for more quick freebie tips
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found the emergen-c :)
Sorry put it on the wrong on....found it! Lcush1339(at)aol(dot)com
found you !!
Found it !
Found it!!
Looks like I found today's giveaway :)
Found it!
found it sweetgirl77777(at)gmail(dot)com
I found an excellent prescription discount card at It's worth a look.
My neighbor told me about that card. He says he saves $400 a month using it.