Beechnut Toddler Welcome Kit (US)
Get your Beechnut Toddler Welcome Kit when you sign up for their free newsletter and coupons.
Looks like you get full-size packages of Beechnut cereal, cookies, juice and dinners.
Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. One offer per customer while supplies last.
While you are there print off some Beechnut baby food coupons!
♥ 60¢ off when you buy any ONE (1) box of Beech-Nut® Baby Cereal
♥ $1.10 off when you buy any FOUR Beech-Nut® Stage 2 1/2™ Baby Food Glass Jars
♥ $1.85 off when you buy any FIFTEEN Beech-Nut® Stage 2 1/2™ Baby Food Glass Jars
♥ Save up to $3.00 in future savings when you buy twenty or more Beech-Nut® Stage 2 1/2™
Click for free Beechnut Toddler Welcome Kit
(US only)
NOTE - If any of the above links are not working or the freebies or coupons no longer available, please post a blog comment below and I'll edit it!

Sign up below on December 6/2011 (only) for your chance to win a Purex® Complete 3–in–1® Laundry Sheet sample.
This would be so convenient for traveling, or camping!
Only relevant comments will be accepted. Your Giveaway prize is always free, there is no entry fee or delivery cost.
Who is eligible:
This giveaway is open to US and Canada!
When you post your comment entry, include a valid e-mail address where I can contact you if you win: (write it out like this: email (at) hotmail (dot) com - so the spammers won't get you).
When the giveaway ends:
This giveaway ends tonight - on December 6, 2011 at midnight ET. Winners will be chosen using I will e-mail the winner for their mailing address, and results are always posted here as well. If the winner doesn't respond within four business days, a new winner will be drawn.
This giveaway is now closed, thanks for playing! We had 16 entries and picked #7 - which was bgordon! Congratulations!
Want to play again?
- This was updated by Catherine on December 7, 2011 -
Don't forget to sign up for free money! Zoombucks are free digital dollars that you can trade for over 100 brand name gift cards.
Click for more quick freebie tips
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YAY! I found it! nataleetyler(at)hotmail(dot)com
Thanks for the opportunity to win!! Love it!!
Oops I made a mistake :/ If I am disqualified I understand, forgot to put my email address!!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!!
found it ...Yay!!
Excellent! Found it! kimslice18 at hotmail dot com! THANKS
found it, found it, found it!!
kolagirl (at) hotmail (dot) ca
found it! (:
bgordon901 (at) gmail (dot) com
Found it! Thanks for the opportunity to win!!
Yay!! Found it!!
Found it,yay Thank for the chance to win
yes found it
I found it!
I found it :)
Found the giveaway! awitt618(at)yahoo(dot)com
Yay found it tycay200(at)yahoo(dot)com