Winning Ways on Swagbucks 3/25/11
New Spoof for April Fool's Day
If you haven't used Spoofs before, they're a fun way to play a harmless and hilarious practical joke on someone by sending them outrageous fake search results.
For your newer referrals, it could be a fun way for them to get their own referrals, since the fake results you send are tied to your referral link.
That will launch next Friday, April 1st.
To send your own spoof, click here
New to Swagbucks? Check out Swagging for Dummies - it will help you learn to 'swag'!
(NOTE - This is not my work - this wonderful Swagbucks resource was compiled by Susie Bear, along with Ashley, Chelle, Stacey, Pamela T, Pamela M, Monica, Kelsey, Danielle, Jade, Sheryl, Delene, Deanna, Kathy, King Swagfred & Jodi)

Jean posted - TapaJoy>Watch a Great Video & Click on a Sponsor for 3 sb......pd immediately.
Star posted - Super Rewards: Play World's #1 Fashion Game Fashionista FaceOff! 4SB. Haven't got credit yet but supposed to take 15 minutes.
Debi posted - Also got 31 for
Tapjoy>Free>Jackson Hewitt - Get $25 off your tax preparation!
Credited after about 30 mins
Chanel posted - TapJoy>Like McAfee on FB>15sb's>credited instantly. I tried this on another wall last week and didn't credit, this one did.
Meg posted - RadiumOne> Chicken Of the Sea> watch video, click on link to Facebook page> 14sb credited INSTANTLY (do not need to "like" Chicken of the Sea)
Jean posted - Check your toolbar mailbox (the white envelope) - I had two offers - one for 2sb and the other 18sb (officeMax)
Star posted - Special Offer: SVN: ABC Family - SLAT for 8SB (watch video, answer poll)
Special Offer: SVN: AMC - The Killing, Season 1 Premiere for 12SB (watch video)
credited right away
Chanel posted - SuperRewards>Sign up for a free culinary newsletter>6 sb's> credited in 15 min. Submit email.
Valerie posted - Slider-Females ages 13-17 needed for exclusive product sampling (27 SB)
Debi posted - Quiz/video on homepage under big slider on top
Secret life worth 8
Special Offer: SVN: ABC Family - SLAT
Jean posted - I had removed Cityville a long time ago - just added another 15 sbs!! Yipee!
Radium>free>on my last page - video credited 6x and the same video was on Super Rewards and it credited 1 x
SuperRewards> Save 50-95% on the Best in Your City for 20 sb - submitted a ticket yesterday and they finally paid me overnight.
Lauren posted - Tapjoy > free > Xeno World > 14 sbs once you allow the app to install on facebook - this credited even faster than the Dial for Men
Debi posted - Tapjoy>Free> Join Arthritis Connect... (31sb)
Credited me for only filling out first page

Go in and vote on the Daily Poll everyday and you'll earn a bonus Swag Buck just for voting in that day's poll.
If you have an idea for a poll question, submit it to If they choose your question, you'll get 100 Swag Bucks!
Then be sure to do the following: NOSO for 2 SBs (No Obligation Special Offers), Survey Dashboard for 1 SBs and Toolbar for 1 SBs - every day!
Don't forget to play the SB games for at least 10 SBs a day
Watch Swagbucks TV for up to 75 SBs each day (3 SBs each when the meter reaches 100%, up to 25 times a day).
If you just do the above Dailies - you will earn a total of 90 SBs each day. That alone will earn you 32,850 SBs in a year's time = seventy-three $5.00 Amazon cards = $365.00 in FREE MONEY!
More ways to earn Swagbucks
- Folks who play for Swag Bucks will earn between 1 – 10 Swag Bucks per successful round. For the first month that this game is live, they will be awarding a lot of 50 and 100 Swag Buck wins
Swagbucks coupons
- earn 10 SBs every time you use them - so you can save money and earn SBs too! Print them out, hand them out to your friends, leave them on store shelves, donate them to women's shelters and food banks - and still earn your SBs!
-Earning Swagbucks for getting discounts is a happy double-bonus!
What? You haven't signed up yet??
Sign up today if you love free money! And if you join right now, enter the code HelpJapan during registration and earn yourself 50 additional Swag Bucks - that's a total of 80 SBs! This code expires at 11 AM PDT on Friday, April 8th - and you have to sign up thru the following link to use this special code.
Click to sign up to Swagbucks
(US/UK/Canada only)
If a freebie is limited to only the first 1,000 participants - you may not be in that group and the site may just be harvesting your information.
Click for more quick freebie tips
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Category: swagbucks, winning ways