Code Alert! 7/6/10 - Another Code!
NEW CODE for ??1-20?? SBs:
I just checked the Swidget and there is a code on the blog to grab!
It says:
Code on the blog
Special code - read on...
So there code is in the blog -
Code expires in 24 hours. OK, I am thinking that the longer you wait, the higher the SBs you will get. However, if you wait too long and forget to put in the code, you won't get anything? What to do, what to do?
Need more help? Read this: SwagCode Tutorials
NOTE - Codes usually look something like this: FaKE2v43COdE (this is NOT the code) Make sure when you copy and paste the code that there aren't any spaces on either side of the code.Then take it to the home page and enter it where it says "Enter your Swag Code" and click the "Gimme" button.
If you have the right code, it will then say "You just received ??1-20?? Swag Bucks"!
Note that if you're caught by Swagbucks distributing, sharing, or posting active SwagCodes, your account will be deactivated.
BTW, since April 18/10 I've already earned almost enough for $300.00 in Amazon gift cards! How much have you earned? Come share in the Frugal Freebies discussion forum!
Did you get your free daily SwagBucks today?
Earn 1 SB for loading the toolbar
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Earn 1 SBs for checking your Survey Dashboard
Earn SBs for searching
Earn 1 SBs for clicking thru the "View Our No Obligation Offers And WIN Swag Bucks", I just read each offer carefully, clicked on "Skip" or "No" or "See Next Offer" for anything I wasn't interested in, and you can do this every single day to earn SBs!
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Category: blog, earn money, SB code